What Are the Benefits of Using Prestige Turbo Yeast?

What Are the Advantages of Prestige Turbo Yeast? mes Prestige Turbo Yeast was specifically developed as a laboratory product to produce top quality results for home and small scale distillers alike. It combines distillers yeast with highly complex micro and macro nutrients designed to speed fermentation rate while increasing quality of finished product while eliminating fusel oils, unpleasant flavor congeners such as Acetaldehyde (known to cause hangovers!) production.

Distillers yeast needs specific nutrients in order to thrive and reach its maximum performance – sugar doesn’t contain these elements, so hobby distillers must add them. Turbo yeast’s nutrient package ensures all necessary food sources are available to its yeast so it ferments significantly better than standard distillers yeast on its own.

Turbo yeast’s success lies in its composition; specifically its high percentage of trehalose, an alcohol-tolerant sugar which allows it to thrive even at higher alcohol levels than would typically kill it. Furthermore, its content of phospholipids helps prevent osmotic chock by helping retain water within cells instead of it leaking out through cell walls and osmotic choke.

To use Turbo yeast, dissolve the desired volume of sugar in hot water until you achieve your final liquid specific gravity level, stirring well after each addition of sugar sachets until your desired batch size has been met. Ferment for 10-14 days at 19-23degC air temperatures for best quality results as temperatures above 27degC can lead to the death of yeast cells.