Water is essential to life, but not all waters are created equal. Your choice of beverage water or brew can have an enormous effect on the end product – particularly when producing whiskey and spirits. Water quality plays a critical role in both ensuring an exceptional end result from distillation or brewing processes as well as protecting equipment used during these processes.
Distillation Water quality Distillers use an easy and straightforward approach to purify their water: heating it until it turns to vapor, cooling and condensing back down into droplets – this creates distilled water, considered highly pure for consumption or cleaning applications such as medical lab equipment and tools, or scientific research experiments, because there are no trace chemicals or particulates present that might interfere with results of experiments. This specialized type of water may even be used as medicine because its lack of chemicals could not alter experiment outcomes!
Distillation can effectively remove many contaminants from water, such as inorganic compounds like lead, nitrate and hardness as well as low boiling point organics like benzene and toluene. Furthermore, distillation’s boiling process inactivates bacteria, viruses and protozoan cysts; some nonvolatile organic contaminants may remain in vapor form and condense back into distilled water unless they’re removed prior to entering the distiller’s boiling chamber; this can be accomplished by preheating its water before entering its boiling chamber – preheating can ensure its removal before entering its boiling chamber is an option too.