Knowing how to make a still can provide for heady alcoholic beverages

If you wish that you could sip on heady alcoholic drinks that were created in your own home then knowing how to make a still can provide for heady alcoholic beverages that can be shared with other like minded friends. It is extremely easy to make a moonshine still by using household parts but care needs to be taken while distilling and consuming the resultant alcohol.

Before you start dreaming about sipping on a glass of whisky, brandy, rum or vodka made in your own home, you should inquire if your country and state laws allow alcohol production in your own backyard, garage or home. You can turn your dream into cost-effective reality if your state does allow you to make these heady drinks at home. Next, you will need to collect the components required to ferment and distill your desired drink without any problems.

Depending in the drink that you wish to produce in your moonshine still, you will also require key raw materials such as water, sugar, various grains such as wheat, corn or maize, yeast, and vegetables such as potatoes, sugar beet, etc. The main components required to make a still are a fermenting bucket, a temperature gauge, an airlock, copper distilling pot with a sealed top, copper tubing, ice bucket, collector vessel, and related clamps. All these parts can easily be located in your home itself or can be procured from any hardware or home improvement store.

Once all your ingredients and components are in place then you can start making your favorite alcohols or spirits right at home. For example, if you plan to make vodka then you will first need to mash and boil your potato, sugar and water mixture before cooling it down. Next, you can pour down the mashed mixture into your fermenting bucket and seal it with the airlock but not before adding the right vodka yeast to that mash. The best yeast that can ensure perfect ethanol fermentation while producing a strong ethanol yield is turbo yeast.

Turbo yeast belongs to the saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast family but has been fortified with micro nutrients in the form of additional minerals, vitamins, enzymes and amino-acids. The result is faster fermentation even in high temperatures. This yeast also possesses high alcohol tolerance levels and the resultant yield will deliver strong and smooth vodka after the distillation process. Once your ethanol is ready then you will need to shift it to your copper pot and boil it to around 175 degrees Fahrenheit where the ethanol present in the mixture will evaporate. The vapor will travel through the attached copper pipe where your ice bucket filled with ice will cool them down to liquid form as your coiled copper pipe will need to pass through that ice bucket.

Finally, the condensed vapor will drip down from the other end of your copper pipe into your collector vessel. You should remember to discard the first and last run of the condensed vapor as it will contain methanol that is dangerous for humans. Once you repeat your distillation process for a couple of times then the resultant spirit can be filtered and flavored to turn it into deliciously strong and smooth vodka that can be enjoyed in the company of close friends.

You too can enjoy your favorite alcohol drinks by making them right at home. Knowing how to make a still can certainly provide for wonderful and heady alcoholic beverages that will truly reflect your brewing and distilling skills before your close friends.